
What is your current job and how long have you been doing it for?

I joined Leapfrog in October 2015 as an administrator and I now coordinate all temporary and contract recruitment. I spent time training and learning how Leapfrog operates which I have valued and appreciated. As with any business, you are never going to be confident unless you know what you are talking about so having this time to ‘bed in’ and learn how the team work at Leapfrog has been essential and hugely beneficial. I now understand and commend the way the team operates – I just wanted to be sure I fully understood what I was talking about before getting stuck in.

What does a typical day at the office look like for you?

Coordinating all temporary and contract recruitment allows me such variety. My position here is exciting and fun – I get to meet new people all time and I am building relationships with both candidates and clients alike. My role does not just cover recruitment, it allows me to use my marketing/PR and business development skills as well, so there’s huge variety and no two days are the same. Typically a day would involve (but not limited to!) conducting/arranging interviews, producing CVs, writing job descriptions, processing payroll and taking lots of phone calls in between.

If you weren’t doing your current job what would you like to do?

In a dream world I would love to run my own yoga retreat centre located on a beautiful, remote island – now that would be paradise.

What was your first job?

My first job was as a Trainee Accountant at Ipes – trading numbers for people was a brave move!

How long have you been involved in YBG and what have you got out of being a member?

I have only been to two YBG events so far but both have been a great way of stepping of my comfort zone, meeting new people, talking business and listening to interesting speakers. I look forward to getting more involved!

What is your favourite thing to do in Guernsey?

For me, nothing beats exploring Guernsey’s outdoor beauty with the dog.

Which three people would you have at your dinner table and why?

Questions like this have to be my worst nightmare but I’ll give it a go… So heading up the table would have to be Eckhart Tolle – I love a deep, intellectual, stimulating and open minded conversation. Joining us would Edward “Woody” Allen (Etherwood) so we could mix the night away and appreciate drum and bass together. The final seat would have to go to Marika Hanbury Tenison because what is a dinner table without great food? Plus her tribe stories would be rather interesting!